Q. I've made a sale. Now when do I get paid?

A. A $100 commission threshold needs to be met before payments are made. Once your approved commissions has reached or exceeded this amount, you will be paid on the next "15th" of a month. For example, if you surpass the $100 commission threshold on October 2nd, you will be paid on October 31th.


Q. Can my commissions go towards my hosting costs?
A. No, but you may be interested in our Refer-A-Friend program.

Q. How long do my referred sales remain pending?

A. Sales you referred with 6, 12, 24 and 36 month billing cycles will be approved after 30-days as long as they are still an NeaDu Host customer. We offer a 30-day money back guarantee so we just need to make sure the customer does not request a full refund within that time period. Monthly billing cycle sales remain pending until 3 months worth of payments are made.


Q. Can I use my affiliate link for self-referrals on accounts I'll use for personal use?

A. No. This is against our affiliate agreement that is specified on our affiliate program's sign up page. If you are interested in a discount though, please visit the NeaDu Host Coupon page.

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